Woodworking Vices – Clamps – Aprons

Woodworking Vices and Clamps and Aprons

Specialty Woodworking Vices, Clamps and Aprons.

The value of woodworking vices, clamps, and aprons should not be overlooked. These are essential tools and accessories for any woodworker; a brief summary of each is provided below:

Woodworking Vices: Quick Summary.

Quality woodworking vices are essential for holding your workpieces securely while you work on them. They attach to your workbench and provide a stable grip, allowing you to use both hands for sawing, planing, or other tasks. There are different types:

1.     Face vice: Mounted on the front of the bench, good for holding boards vertically

2.    Tail vice: Mounted at the end of the bench, useful for holding long pieces

3.    Shoulder vice: Provides a wide, clear clamping surface

Investing in a good vice can significantly improve your work’s precision and efficiency.

Woodworking Clamps: Quick Summary.

Clamps are versatile tools used to hold pieces together during gluing, assembly, or when you need an extra “hand.” Different types include:

1.     Bar clamps: For large projects and long pieces.

2.    C-clamps: Versatile and strong, good for many applications.

3.    Spring clamps: Quick to apply, useful for light-duty work.

4.    Pipe clamps: Adjustable length, good for large glue-ups.

5.    Corner clamps: Ideal for joining pieces at right angles.

Having a variety of clamps allows you to tackle different projects and ensures you can apply even pressure where needed.

Woodworker’s Apron: Quick Summary.

A woodworker’s apron is more than just protective clothing. It serves several important functions:

1.     Protection: Shields your clothes from sawdust, glue, and finishes.

2.    Small Tool storage: Pockets and loops keep frequently used small tools within easy reach.

3.    Safety: Keeps loose clothing away from power tools.

4.    Comfort: Distributes the weight of carried tools evenly.

A good apron can improve your efficiency by keeping essential tools close at hand and protect both you and your clothing.

Woodworking Vices and Clamps and Aprons

What is a Woodworkers Vice?

Woodworking vices have been designed to cater for the various needs of woodworkers. Several types have emerged over the last 20 years to satisfy the differing needs of those who specialize in certain types of woodworking.

Typical categories for a woodworking vice are front, end & cabinet maker’s vices

They are mostly heavy-duty wood clamping vices and you will find them attached to a sturdy workbench.

Typically designed for a long life via strong metal construction and wide jaws, which means that can withstand large amounts of pressure during work applications.

A woodwork vice, which can hold both large and small pieces of wood, can be used for light or heavy-duty work. Because of its clamping capabilities, it is frequently used by professional woodworkers and manufacturing industries to produce a huge variety of wood products.

What is a Woodworkers Quick Release Vice?

A quick-release vice has a unique mechanism that includes a split nut. The nut, which is located within the main body of the vice, holds the threaded screw. The split nut can be removed with a lever or handle, unlocking the main screw and allowing the moveable jaw to be quickly readjusted.

A good quality quick release woodworking vice should be a solid all-rounder and will have a front stop or “dog” for better grip.

The precisely machined threaded screw will be designed to provide woodworkers with a long-lasting vice that operates smoothly at all times.

What is a Cabinet Maker’s/Front Vice?

A cabinet maker’s vice is a front vice and is often mounted on the left or right corner of the work bench’s long edge, depending on whether you are left or right handed. Left Handed = Right Front, Right Handed = Left Front.

A cabinet maker’s vice can be used to hold a drawer side upright while cutting the tails of a dovetail joint, to hold a board edge-up horizontally for hand planing, or to perform any number of other tasks that require a firm grip on the work-piece while leaving both hands free.

What is a Woodworking Pipe Clamp?

A pipe clamp is a two-piece kit that fastens to a threaded pipe in any length you need. 3/4 and 1/2-inch are common diameter pipes for pipe clamp sets.

They have a stationary foot with an adjustable clamp plate as well as an adjustable foot with a flat plate that moves along the pipe’s length.

Your job is held securely in place while the glue hardens after the clamp has been adjusted so that the work-piece is loosely clamped between the foot and the adjustable head. The clamp plate is then screwed down.

What are Woodworking Sash Clamps?

Sash clamps are simple clamping devices that are commonly used in woodworking to hold two pieces of wood together while glue is applied between the wood pieces.

What are quick action lever clamps?

Quick action lever clamps are ideal for situations where several clamps must be swiftly set up and removed.    Their unique lever setup allows the woodworker to be able to apply maximum clamping pressure very quickly and their locking mechanism allows for quick clamping and easy release.

They need to be strong, if they flex, you will lose grip on the job and the grip pads need to be of a design that won’t allow any slippage.

What are quick grip bar clamps?

Quick grip bar clamps are easy and versatile clamps for woodworking or any DIY project where the user needs to be able to lock and unlock the clamps with just one hand.   They are frequently often used for bonding woodworking joints and panels, and completing many various home DIY projects. Non-damaging pads are essential and they need be able to grip tightly and quickly to protect your work from moving.

They will need to have a one-handed quick-release trigger, a strong clamping force of up around 150 lbs, and it’s going to be very handy if they can be used on small jobs as well as the larger ones.   

What is a Woodworkers Apron?

We’ve all watched woodworking videos that have sparked our interest for the next project and you’ve most likely noticed a pattern in these videos, the woodworkers are usually wearing aprons.  

Aprons are worn by woodworkers to protect their clothing from the sawdust, they usually contain a heap of pockets for storing vital small equipment, allowing woodworkers quick access and agility.   Wearing a woodworking apron can improve your woodworking experience for a variety of reasons.  

One in particular is if you are using paint or glue on your woodworking project, you run the danger of staining your clothes. Glue and paint can be difficult, if not impossible, to remove from your clothes, even if only a drop drops on them. As a result, you should always have something between your clothes and any potential messes.  

Because woodworking aprons have so many pockets, they can be extremely useful when working on a wood project, allowing you to be versatile, flexible, and quick to react. Having your tools on you and easily accessible can be far more convenient than having to reach for them elsewhere in the shed.

A good woodworking apron will have lots of adjustments available to the user and will be strongly built to withstand the punishment and wear and tear it might need to ensure on a busy day in the woodshop.

If an apron has been built with a safe and reinforced design it will protect the wearer from spills and flying debris while providing the convenience of having everything you need right at your fingertips.

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